Totem, Mask, and Other Pagan Expressions of Excess
Transformations in Christian Art
From Abraham and the Idols to the Mosaic Experience with the Visual Arts
Following Abraham's Steps: Towards Aniconism
Architectural Differentiation: Structure, Decoration, Ornament
Isaiah: "O Afflicted One"
Something in Common. Jerusalem: Significance of the Foundation Stone in the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions
Images in Context
The Fear Factor in Post-Biblical Imagery
Expressive Commitment: Modern Artistic Explorations as New Ways to Convey Truth
The Imaginary in Art, Dada and Surrealism
Reflexions on Francis Bacon's Figurative Disfiguration
Of Purpose in 20th-Century Art: Waiting for Godot?
Art as Development
Modernity, Modernism, Modern Art: The Same Thing?
Die Goldenen Zwanziger
Why was Henri Matisse a great artist?
Picasso and the Genesis of Cubism
The Cubist Constellation
Argentinean Visual Art: European Influences?
Paris: Avant-Garde Art
Art and Ethics
Influential Moderns: Gauguin and Picasso
New Figuration: Francis Bacon's Case as a Detective Story
Argentinean Art
Art as Shape and Contents
The Imaginary in the Visual Arts
Bible-inspired Art
The Long Road from Representation to Abstraction
Image and Prejudice
Art Boundaries: Some Kind of Fluid Matter?
Tradition and Innovation
Art as Intention in Context
Power in the Picture
Fine Arts in the Nineteenth Century
Nineteenth-Century Architecture: Historicism meets Progress
Six European Masters: Chardin, Goya, Géricault, Turner, Corot, Daumier
Fin-de-Siècle: Symbolism and Art Nouveau
Modernist Attitudes towards Ornament: Art Nouveau and Art Deco
As Wild as It Gets: Avant-garde Art
Modern Architecture in the Machine Age
Late-Modern and Post-Modern Trends in Architecture
Art as Paradox: Transcategorical Disorder, Caprice and Ordered Chaos
The Marvel of Belgian Art and Its Diversity
Arquitecturarte: diseño, arquitectura e inclusión
Tradition and Innovation in the Visual Arts of Belgium
Belgian Art: Reality and Fantasy
In the Spirit of Linnaeus
Carl Linnaeus: Exploration, Creativity and System
The Art of Linnaeus: From Curiosity to Apotheosis
Carl Linnaeus: A Creative Person in the Age of Reason
Linnaeus’ Systematic Approach to Nature and its Implications
Linnaeus: Nature Exploration and Knowledge Systematization
Linnaeus and the Rara avis Phenomenon
The Art of Classification: Linnaeus’ Passion and System
Classification: A Fundamental Tool involving Surprises, Advantages
and Risks?
Nature and Art: Species Exploration in the Spirit of Linnaeus
Linnaeus and Order: Nature and its Architectural Projections
A Tribute to Carl Linnaeus as Homo universalis
Arte argentino
Ruina se escribe con Ñ
Realidad e imaginación en la pintura belga
Belgian Art: Reality and Fantasy
The Marvel of Belgian Art in Renaissance and Modern Times
Bosch and Magritte: Imagery of Fantasy and Reality?
Masterpieces of Belgian Art from Van Eyck to Magritte
Suggestive Paradoxes: Symbolism and Surrealism in Belgian Art
Tradition and Innovation in the Visual Arts of Belgium: From Compassion to Provocation?
Art nouveau belga: su originalidad e importancia
Arquitectura vernácula del archipiélago filipino
Argentinean Art
Hieronymus Bosch visits Paradise and Hell
Artist’s Aims and Artwork Character
Lo espiritual en el arte: imágenes inspiradas en la Biblia y artistas
como profetas
Francis Bacon: Interplay between Words and Images
What is Art?
The Formal Aspects of an Artwork: Composition and Style
Artwork Contents: Message and Symbolism
Traditional Art versus Modern Art
The Constant in Art: Motif and Variations
The Changeable in Art: Esthetic and Moral Dimensions of Art
throughout the Ages
Sensuality, Provocation and Humor in Art
Artist's Attitude and Artwork Character
Contrastes entre arte tradicional y arte moderno
Hurva en el proyecto de Louis Kahn
Art of America: Pre-Columbian and Latin-American
Art of the Nineteenth Century
Grotesque Art
Francis Bacon’s Paintings
Lo Grotesco en las pinturas de Francis Bacon
The Instinctive Paintings of Francis Bacon
Hurva en el proyecto de Louis Kahn
The Evocative Character of Louis Kahn’s Hurva Project
The Art of Francis Bacon
Differences between Traditional Art and Modern Art
Mi postura frente al hecho plástico
El arte como expresión
Cómo apreciar un cuadro

Seminaire des Arts: 58 Lectures, 2008-2012
Copyrighted material © Mariano Akerman. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reproduced without the previous written authorization of its author.