Foundations of European Art
Meeting Modern Art
Art of the American Continent
Educational Exhibitions in School Environments
Art Fundamentals
Fine Arts: Europe and America
Arte de América precolombina y latinoamericana
Art: Modernity and Post-Modernity
Select Issues in Modern Art: The Human Body
Calligraphy and Poster Design
Introduction to the History of Art
Foundations of European Art
Introduction to Classical and Medieval Art
Tradición e innovación: arte moderno
Modern Art in the Age of Pluralism
Calligraphy and Poster Design
Design of Educational Devices
Scenography and Costume Design
Art Fundamentals
Introduction to the History of Art
Introduction to Classical and Medieval Art
Tradición e innovación: arte renacentista
The Explicit and the Implicit in Western Art
How To Understand a Modern Artwork
Select Issues in Modern Art: Design
Calligraphy and Poster Design
Design of Educational Devices
Scenography and Costume Design
Art Fundamentals
Cómo apreciar una obra de arte
Modern Art in Revolutionary Times
Artists’ Dreams and Imagination in the Arts
Calligraphy and Poster Design
Design of Educational Devices
Scenography and Costume Design
How To Read an Artwork
Tradition and Innovation: Renaissance Art
The History of Art
Comunicación Visual (Visual Communication)
Teoría de la Comunicación (Communication Theory)
Forma y Communicación (Representation Theory)
Taller de Arquitectura 1-2-3 (Design Studio, 2nd to 4th year)
Teorías del Diseño y Percepción Visual (Design and Visual Perception Theories)
Psicología del Espacio (Psychology of Space)
Metodología de la Investigación" (Methodology of Scientific Research)
Copyrighted material © Mariano Akerman. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reproduced without the previous written authorization of its author.